After a full day of play and a final set of games on the fields for the day with school chums, your furry student will retire to a private room to find it prepared with a sling bed, fresh water and his or her favorite toys or treats. We will tuck your student in tightly, impart a warm hug, turn the lights down low and allow them to drift off to sleep and dream of their victories on the playfields that day.
Your dogs do not spend their weekend locked in a crate at Canine College! We have daycare Monday through Saturday (Yes… even on Saturdays) from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM. Your dogs who have successfully passed our temperament test will be playing in our doggie daycare on Saturdays and Sundays!
We offer Sunday pick-up and drop-off hours. We do not have any required “check-in or check-out times”. We do not charge an hourly rate after 24 hours! Our “overnight boarding at Canine College” covers the time we open on the day you drop your dog off until the end of the day you pick your dogs up – that can be up to 36 hours for one overnight boarding fee!
Our 24 hour security system is activated should anything go bump in the night plus we have a team of trained faculty members who stays late and even into the wee hours of the morning walking the Dorm Halls, cuddles those students that need a little extra tuck-in, watches movies with lucky students whose parents have ordered Snuggle, Snack and a Show, and taking care of those “last call!” late night potty breaks and so much more.
For additional information about Canine College policies and more, see our FAQ.
Effective Immediately:
Most Holiday/School Breaks are booked far in advance with a waiting list for cancellations. Too often customers pick up their dogs a day or two early which eliminates the opportunity for another dog to stay with us.
To eliminate this, we are enacting a new Policy effective immediately, for the following Holidays/School Breaks:
For these Holidays and School Breaks (exact dates to our discretion), we will require a retainer of 50% of the booking to secure a reservation at the time of booking. The balance of the boarding reservation will be due at the time of drop off.
If you must cancel, your 50% retainer is non-refundable. We will take 1 night’s boarding out of that retainer as the cancellation fee and the remaining balance will be kept on your account as a credit to use for future services at Canine College.
The dates you reserve are what you pay for. If you change your reservation dates at drop-off or pick-up early, there will be no refunds or credits.
Thank you for your continued support of our small business and please feel free to contact our offices if you have any questions. Woof On ….