

About Pledging
Pledging is a one-time screening/evaluation required for your dog to play in our fields with the other students and coaches. Not all dogs are suited for open socialization and this mandatory test helps us to screen out aggressive or unfriendly behavior which can be dangerous for your dog and the other dogs we have in our facility. Call our offices to make your student’s Pledging Appointment (248) 427-8245. Please note: we do not accept aggressive dogs.

Temperament Test
The test takes about 15 to 30 minutes and you are welcome to stay and watch the test. We request your dog stays with us for at least 1/2 day of daycare – no change for the first day.  We understand that you may live in a neighboring city such as Canton, Plymouth, Northville or Milford and must get to work and cannot stay for the test!  No problem, we can help you out with that, just mention it to the Admissions Specialist when you call to make your furry student’s appointment.  We will introduce your dog, to every dog that is in the facility that day to see how your dog interacts with other dogs.  The first day, temperament test, 3+ hour stay is extremely beneficial to us and your dog for the following reasons:

  • We will get to know your dog and its play style.
  • Your dog will get to know us, and, most importantly.
  • Your dog will know this is a safe place when YOU come back for him/her after the short period of time.

Apply for Enrollment
Our application process is used to learn about your student’s likes and dislikes, to document emergency contact information and verify medical history. Please note that appointments are required for the temperament test. Application forms are available in the “admissions office” or if you prefer to download and complete the applicable paperwork before visiting our facility you may access the necessary forms by clicking the button below.