Canine College Services

Puppy Daycare

College Prep Program

Puppies have special needs and we are here to help you! We are launching our Puppy Socialization program aka the College Prep Program. This is an extremely affordable way for your puppy to meet, greet and become comfortable with people and other dogs for the first 6 months of age.  The first 6 months are a critical time for your puppy when they determine what is safe, fun, acceptable behavior is and what is not. After this window closes, your dog’s brain has become less receptive to change. Your puppy will enjoy the company of other dogs and our trained College Coaches during the day while you work rather than being at home waiting for you … alone …. in a crate. So come-on, get with the program! College Prep Program Outline:

  • Available to puppies from 12 weeks to 6 months
  • Cost $138.00 per week, paid on Monday
  • Puppies can come for all day daycare Monday through Saturday
  • Owners don’t have to worry about “puppy” being left home alone
  • Terrific way to expend puppy energy
  • An affordable dog daycare introduction
  • Puppies must have first set of shots
  • As your furry student grows, physically and mentally, he/she will graduate from our Freshman Hall to our JV, Sophomore or Varsity halls to play with the appropriate group – a group that matches your furry student’s play style and size.

Ask how you can enroll your new puppy in the Canine College Prep Program today!
Call (248) 427-8245

New Puppies

Puppy Development Program

We’ve customized a program just for the owner of a new puppy.

Our puppy development program is a dog-friendly, force-free training program geared specifically for puppies nine months of age and younger. The program includes fifteen full days of daycare with fifteen one-hour sessions of private training. The puppies come and learn with us, in a private training session which covers basic obedience and more, during the day Monday through Saturday.

While your puppy is with us they will play in daycare, learn puppy manners and socialize with other puppies, plus have private training lessons to work on “sit”, walking on a leash, “here”, polite greetings and recall. We didn’t forget potty training – your puppy will receive reinforcement of basic potty training techniques, and we will even work on crate training if you’d like. We will introduce your puppy to our groomers and grooming room in a kind, friendly and gentle manner thereby eliminating the fear so many dogs have of grooming. You will receive report cards detailing what went on during the session that day and what you can do at home at the end of each session. On the fifteenth session, you will receive a final report, which is a booklet of everything we went over and what your puppy still needs work on. 

We focus on consistency and rewarding good behavior with treats, play and praise. We do not use any punitive training methods, so your puppy will not be exposed to e-collars, pinch, prong or choke collars, shouting or dominance of any kind.

The investment for three weeks of daycare, three weeks of private lessons 5 days per week is $1195.
Call our training department to enroll today. 248.427.8245